all postcodes in BS22 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS22 7AH 29 0 51.368146 -2.903214
BS22 7BU 70 0 51.363164 -2.902963
BS22 7DG 31 0 51.348804 -2.935371
BS22 7DP 6 0 51.367999 -2.906793
BS22 7DR 12 0 51.36808 -2.908255
BS22 7DS 29 0 51.368875 -2.908649
BS22 7DT 19 0 51.369651 -2.907381
BS22 7DU 52 0 51.368766 -2.907952
BS22 7DW 33 0 51.371003 -2.913959
BS22 7DX 33 0 51.37044 -2.913559
BS22 7DY 13 0 51.370954 -2.913397
BS22 7DZ 6 0 51.370634 -2.912917
BS22 7EZ 41 0 51.362177 -2.904116
BS22 7FA 36 0 51.366861 -2.90282
BS22 7FB 43 0 51.37165 -2.911659
BS22 7FD 41 2 51.371601 -2.911025
BS22 7FE 48 0 51.372038 -2.910005
BS22 7FF 20 0 51.367425 -2.902237
BS22 7FG 10 0 51.372845 -2.916466
BS22 7FH 23 0 51.372713 -2.912231